Ford County, Kansas Genealogy and History

Ford County is the southwestern most organized county of Kansas, embracing Townships 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29 of Ranges 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 and 26, being thirty miles from north to south and thirty-six miles from east to west, possessing an area of 1,080 square miles.

The country is comparatively level, 20 per cent of the land, being bottomland, which along the Arkansas has an average width of fifteen miles; the upland is 80 per cent, and but a small portion of it is bluffly. Good building stone is found in the county contiguous to Fort Dodge, and near Spearville is found good sand and a good quality of limestone. The county is well watered, the Arkansas River flowing forty miles through the county, and other smaller streams coursing through it in various directions. The most important of these are Mulberry, Five-Mile, Kiowa, Spring and Crooked creeks. Timber is very scanty; what there is, is mostly cottonwood and box elder. These kinds are mostly grown on the timber claims. The county was named for Col. James H. Ford, of the Second Colorado Cavalry.

Resources for Ford County, Kansas

Additional Kansas Resources

  • History of Kansas
    One of the best Histories of Kansas, taken from Kansas and Kansans
  • Kansas Indians
    The Indian Linguistic families represented in Kansas may be separated into two principal divisions or heads
  • Kansas Biographies
    Over 2100 biographies specific to Kansas in the 19th and early 20th century have been added to a searchable database.

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