7 thoughts on “Contact Us”

  1. I am trying to get late 30s and early 1940s about the Catholic farm that was located east of 260 S. Minneapolis Ave. I was mostly raised buy that farm workers in and before WWII.

  2. I am searching for the Larsen family that resided in Hutchinson, Reno County, Kansas & around Newton, Harvey County, Kansas. I was born Marsha Jane Larsen July 1, 1954 @ Bethel Deaconess Hospital to a Mrs Dorothy Susie McLeland Larsen. I am looking for my biological father. The only thing I have to go on is the last name Larsen. I am the last alive I know of on that family. I was adopted into the Hanlon family in Aug 1954. I’m almost the only one left of that family also. Thanks to anyone who has any info. I’ve gone back about 6 generations of Larsens & about that many on the Hanlon side. Am still searching for my biological father, however. Hard to do. Have a safe, happy, healthy, & Blessed remainder of 2021 ya’all! Sincerely, Jane Hanlon

  3. Hi, I’m looking for information on my 4th great-grandfather, John Duane Campbell (1829-1896), he was born in Seneca, New York, and died in Mitchell, Kansas at an Insane Asylum from epilepsy. He was also a Union Soldier from the war, I’m assuming the Civil War.


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