Josiah Kerns Obituary, 1937

Josiah ‘Joe’ Kerns

Caldwell Daily Messenger, Caldwell, Sumner Co., KS – Monday, Nov 8th, 1937


Had been a Resident of Caldwell for about 35 years.

Joe Kerns, 69, died last night at the state hospital in Larned, where he had been for several months. He had been ill for some time.

Mr. Kerns was reared in Missouri and moved to the Caldwell, KS vicinity about 35 years ago where he had made his home since.

He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Kerns; two daughters, Mable Butterworth, Hutchinson, KS; and Mrs. George Sears of near Caldwell, KS; three sons, Ernie Kerns, Caldwell, KS; Arthur Kerns, Murdo, South Dakota; and Merritt Kerns, Wichita, KS; twelve grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. Sarah Rains, Wichita, KS; and Mrs. Mary McCants of South of Caldwell, KS; and a half-sister, Mrs. Elmer Fauchier of Caldwell, KS.

The body will be shipped here, but funeral arrangements had not been made this afternoon.

Caldwell Daily Messenger – Nov 11th, 1937

Josiah Kerns

Josiah Kerns was born in Frederick County, Virginia, May 27, 1870, and died at the State Hospital, Larned, Kan., Nov 7, 1937, at the age of 67 years, 5 months, and 10 days. He was married to Mary Catherine West June 8, 1892, and came to Kansas in 1900. He has been a resident of Caldwell, KS since 1905.

He leaves to mourn their loss, five children, three sons, and two daughters; Arthur R. Kerns, Murdo, South Dakota; Merritt N. Kerns, Wichita, KS; Ernest E. Kerns, Caldwell, KS; Mrs. Clarren Butterworth, Hutchinson, KS; two sisters, Mrs. Sarah Rains, Wichita, KS; and Mrs. Mary McCants, Caldwell, KS; one half-sister, Mrs. Elmer Fauchier of Caldwell, KS; one half-brother, Bert McCants of Guymon, Okla., other relatives and many friends.

Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon, Nov 10, at Schaeffer’s Chapel in Caldwell, KS with Rev. J. M. Sankey preaching the funeral sermon. Mrs. Frank Wiedeman and Mrs. Harold Eads sang a duet, accompanied by Mrs. D. A. Rabe at the piano. Pallbearers were Ora Balsely, Ray Balsely, Art Fell, Ira Fellingham, Delmar Capps, and Emit Bales.

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