Mary McCants Obituary, 1939

Caldwell Daily Messenger, Caldwell, Sumner Co., KS – Aug 8, 1939


Mrs. Mary McCants, resident of the Caldwell community since a year after the opening of the Cherokee strip, died at the home of her son Jess McCants, two and one half miles west of Caldwell last evening at 7:55 p.m. Mrs. McCants had been ill for the past 13 months. She was 78 years old at the time of her death.

A native of Virginia, Mrs. McCants had lived in Missouri before coming to the Caldwell community. Her husband died here 24 years ago, and for the past 17 years she has made her home with her son Jess. She was a member of the Assembly of God Church.

Surviving Mrs. McCants are five children; Mrs. Alice Spears, Belle Plaine, KS; Jess McCants, Caldwell, KS; Dale McCants, Mulvane, KS; Bill McCants, South Haven, KS; and Mrs. June Enderud, Jasper, MO. A daughter in law, Mrs. Anna McCants, who lives at the Jess McCants home, also survives.

Two sisters, Mrs. Sarah Rains, Wichita, KS; and Mrs. May Fauchier, Caldwell, KS; and two brothers, Charlie McCants, Lamont, OK; and Bert McCants, Guymon, OK also survive.

Funeral services were not complete today.

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