Elmer E. Fauchier Obituary, 1944

Caldwell Messenger, Caldwell, Kansas – Thursday, March 2, 1944


Elmer E. Fauchier, son of James and Serilda Fauchier, was born in Osage County, Kansas, September 28, 1869. He passed away February 24, 1944, on Thursday morning at 6:15, in his home in Caldwell, Kansas at the age of 74 years, four months and 27 days, after a serious illness of two months.

He was united in marriage September 17, 1903, to May McCants. To this union four children were born.

In early life, he made his confession to Christ and became a member of the Christian church at Anson, Ks. Mr. Fauchier has lived in Caldwell for many years and is well known to all, and has made many friends.

During the years of his illness his happiest moments were when he could be with his children and grandchildren, whom he loved very much. He was a kind, loving father and husband, and shall be greatly missed by his family and many friends.

Those left to mourn his passing are his wife, May Fauchier of Caldwell, Ks; three sons, Henry, Gilbert and Orville of Wichita; one daughter Lois Martin of Wellington, Ks; and six grandchildren; four sisters, Mrs. Emma Hoisington of Caldwell; Mrs. J. Zimmerman of Nebraska; Mrs. Daisy Purcell of Anson, Ks; Mrs. Ella Evans of Cloud Chief, Okla.; and many other relatives and friends.

Bearers were Fred Brune, J. W. Stewart, Ernie Kerns, Jerry Bobek, Lloyd Clark, and Claude Booth.

Singers were Reverand O. E. Gaddis and Mrs. Donald Ames, accompanied by Mrs. Joe Deavers.

Funeral services were held Sunday in the Christian Church with Reverand Hal Moran and Reverand J. M. Sankey officiating. Burial was in the Caldwell cemetery with Schaeffer’s Mortuary in charge.

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