Jewell City, Jewell County, Kansas Schools, Churches and Press

The schools from the first have been good. Since 1873 to the present time they have been kept in a building constructed principally from the ruins of the one destroyed at that time. In October 1882, a $6,000 stone school building was completed and occupied. It is the finest school building in the county.

The Jewell County Republican, a five-column quarto paper, was established at Jewell City, in the fall of 1879, by Col. W. W. Brown. It was purchased by Woodward & Musser in 1881. It is Republican in politics.

The Methodists organized a society in 1872, and three years later completed a building, Rev. Mr. Rose being the first pastor. He was succeeded by Rev. H. G. Breed, Rev. J. Phillips, Rev. B. Hollen, Rev. J. Lawrence, and the present incumbent, Rev. A. B. Conwell. The latter assumed the pastorate in 1879, and during his term of service the debt has been lifted from the church and money put in the treasury. Present membership, sixty. Mr. Conwell has charge, also, of the societies at East Buffalo and Spring Creek.

The Christians organized a society in the spring of 1873, under the pastorate of Rev. O. N. Gray. He remained in charge until 1877, when, on account of the territory covered by the church membership, societies were formed at Brown’s Creek and Marsh Valley. Rev. G. D. Sellers took charge of the city and county churches, but was succeeded in 1882 in the pastorate of the Jewell City society by Rev. J. T. Kiggins. The church building, a good wooden structure, was erected in 1879.

The Evangelical Association in Jewell City was organized in the spring of 1872, Rev. L. Wenger being its first pastor. The church building was erected in the summer of 1873. Present membership, eighty-five; pastor, Rev. T. W. Serf.

In 1872, Rev. Mr. Fletcher, organized a Baptist society. It has, at present, no settled pastor. In the fall of 1881 a flourishing country church was formed at East Buffalo, five miles northeast of Jewell City. Rev. Geo. Peterson is still in charge.

Rev. Father Perry organized the Catholic Church in 1873, and a building was erected in 1877. Membership, twenty-five families.


Source: Jewell County, Cutlers History of Kansas, 1883

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