Jewell City, Jewell County, Kansas Societies

Jewell Lodge, No. 11, A. F. & A. M., was instituted October 22, 1874. J. C. Postlethwaite, W. M.; M. F. Knappenberger, S. W.: A. M. Hogan, J. W.; N. Kreamer; F. Felker, Sec’y.

Jewell Lodge, No. 116, I. O. O. F. – This society was instituted October 14, 1874. They own a $1,200 hall, well arranged and neatly furnished. Present officers: H. A. Schulenburg, N. G.; E. D. Smith, V. G.; George W. Brick, Secretary; John Fry, Treasurer. It now numbers seventy members.

Ancient Order United Workmen. – A lodge of this Order was started at Jewell City June 30, 1880. It now has forty members, with the following officers: G. B. Crandall, W. W.; C. C. King, T.; M. F. Knappenberger, O.; F. Felker, P. M. W.; S. R. Worick, R.

Washington Camp, No. 2, P. O. S. A. – This post was organized March 21, 1879. It has fifty members. Officers: J. Earle, Pres.; J. C. Perfect, V. P.; I. N. Hockman, Sec’y.

S. R. Deach Post, No. 58, G. A. R., was organized May 19, 1882, and has forty members. George B. Crandall, Post Commander: A. L. Marks, O. C.; W. C. McClung, Q. M.; E. D. Heinecke, Adj.

Jewell City has a favorite local band, incorporated May 24, 1880. It has fourteen pieces; leader, W. C. Manifold.
Business Establishments
The Citizen’s Bank was established in March 1880, by B. Musser, editor of the Jewell County Republican.

J. H. Schaffer & Co.’s Jewell City Bank was established in 1880. J. C. Postlethwaite is the Cashier. The bank capital is $25,000, and the bank property is valued at $3,000. The bank has loaned $250,000 on real estate.

Two hotels accommodate the place – the City Hotel, erected by James Kelsey as the Jewell House, in 1871, and now operated by Morand King. The next year Mr. Kelsey commenced the erection of another hotel. Additions have since been made until the structure is now 44×56 feet. James Kelsey is still proprietor.


Source: Jewell County, Cutlers History of Kansas, 1883

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