Susan Louis Warren Wright Obituary

Clark County Clipper, February 6, 1908

(Direct descendant of General Joseph Warren – Revolutionary War Hero)
WRIGHT – Susan Louis Warren was born in Cass county, Michigan, July 24, 1845, and passed from this life February 3, 1908, being at the time of her death 62 years, 7 months and 9 days old.  She was the direct descendant of the revolutionary hero, General Joseph Warren, who was killed at the battle of Bunker Hill.  Susan Warren was united in marriage to Eli B. Wright, at Halvell, Illinois, in 1873.  To this union were born three children, all of whom with an adopted daughter, the niece of Mrs. Wright, are still living.  They are Mary, wife of Mr. C. A. Wallingford, of Ashland; Clarence, who lives near Ashland; May, wife of Mr. E. A. Palmer, of Ashland; and Anna, wife of Mr. J. W. Mayse, of Wichita.

Our departed sister, having given herself to God in girlhood, was associated all her life with Christian people.  She was a faithful and devout member of the Methodist church, and since removing to Ashland, in the early days, has been closely identified with all departments of church work, including prayer meeting, Sunday school and the Ladies Aid Society.  She was also an honored member of the W. C. T. U., and was very much devoted to the cause of temperance and morality.  If health and weather would permit she was seldom absent from these meetings.  She was greatly beloved by all the people of the town and her absence will be keenly felt.  She was a devoted wife and mother, and a neighbor to all in the deepest sense of the word, ever ready to lend a hand to those in need of help.  For several months she had been in failing health, but none of us supposed that the end was so near.  But He who knows best suddenly called her from the cares and sorrows of this world to the enjoyment of heaven.  She possessed an unwavering faith in God, and died in the full hope of a glorious immortality.

The funeral was held from the M. E. church, this afternoon, and the remains were laid to rest in the silent city on the hill.

The bereaved family has the sympathy of the entire community.

Contributed by ~Shirley Brier~ October 17, 2005.
* This could be Harvell, or Havel, Illinois.

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