The Snokomo Schoolhouse

DIRECTIONS: Snokomo School, 8 mi. S. of Paxico. Leave I-70 at Exit 335, Snokomo Road and drive south. Wind through the Snokomo Creek Valley for 6.4 miles until you arrive at the Snokomo Schoolhouse which is situated on the east side of the road. (You will pass by an 1890 stone schoolhouse on the west side of the road–keep going.)

The Snokomo Schoolhouse has school board records that go back to the 1860s. Generally the school year lasted for seven months. Between 1870 and 1900 the illiteracy rate in Kansas was less than 3 percent. Students studied reading, grammar, arithmetic, geography, history and physiology.

An historic marker south of the school, is located near the road.

You may return to I-70 by reversing the route OR you can continue on the Skyline-Mill Creek Scenic Drive. If you continue, you will experience a breath-taking, ridge-top drive through tall prairie grass and then a drive through part of the Mill Creek Valley. You will finally enter the interesting and historic town of Alma. I-70 is just a short drive north from Alma.

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