Walnut Springs Camp

The Marshall families three brothers, two sisters and one foster sister –spend the month of August in each year at the Walnut Springs Camp, a camping ground on the old homestead. They move out August 1st of each year and have built a spacious dining pavilion 18 by 24 feet, with cement floor, metal roof, and arranged with screens complete. The three brothers attend to business matters in Leon over the telephone or in person during the day and all eat and sleep at the camp. They have an ideal spot–fishing, boating, bathing, with games of croquet, and tennis courts on the campground. The five families spend the month of August each year in a sort of reunion and old-time fashioned way and all enjoy it immensely. They have a cook and for a common Sunday dinner it takes about twenty loaves of bread, eight chickens, one-half bushel of potatoes, $2.00 worth of beef, one-third barrel of iced tea and five gallons of ice camp. The Leon Band, with families and friends, also meet at the camp ground with the Marshalls for an annual gathering once each year. The Marshalls break camp the last of August each year and return to their several homes feeling highly rejuvenated and refreshed by having taken the regular annual autumnal outing.

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