1895 Obituary of Mrs. Susan Nelson


Thursday April 18, 1895

Died: MRS. SUSAN (James M) NELSON, April 11, 1895, in this city, aged 66 yrs, 7 mos, and 19 days.Mrs. Susan (James M) Nelson was born August 22, 1828, near Lynchberry, Virginia., and moved with her parents to Kentucky when 8 years old. She united with the Baptist church at the age of 17. She was married to James M Nelson August 16, 1851, and united with the Methodist church, as her husband was a Methodist. She lived a consistent Christian life until the day of her death, and was ready when the final summons came. Her last days on earth were spent in prayer to the Lord to take her home where she could be forever at rest. She came to Sumner county with her husband and family 24 years ago. She leaves 2 sons: Jerry Calvin and Henry Washington; 2 daughters: Nancy C Bowen and Melissa Dugan, and a host of friends to mourn her death. Her husband preceded her to the spirit land by 18 years. She has joined him on the other shore. J.T.S

NOTE: Susan DRAKE Nelson is thought to be buried in the family plot with her husband and dau SE Nelson in the Corzine Cemetery near Corbin, Kansas.

Submitted by Evelyn Morgan

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