Biography of George W. Horsley

George W. Horsley
(d. 16 Mar 1913)

My grandfather, George W. Horsley, was a police officer in Wellington in 1910 and was listed as a resident there with wife Mary, daughter Louis Edna (who was my mother), and one son, Will. He had previously been on the Blackwell OK force. After 1910, he moved to Wichita and joined the force about 1911.

He suddenly died on Mar 26, 1913. He had been on a call with the police and was riding on the running board of the police car and was thrown off. Articles in the Wichita papers on Mar 26th and 27th indicated that he had injured his arm and the Wichita Police Chief gave him a few days off to recover.

He took some of this time and went to Blackwell OK to see his eldest son, Lloyd. He arrived on Wednesday morning, the 26th, and the article said that after he had eaten a good evening meal, he fell over dead. The papers and Wichita Police Chief guessed he had a heart attack and were quick to state this was probably the cause.

My supposition is that today an inquiry would have been made, but they did not have our modern medical procedures.

by Harold E. Hunt

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