Burr Oak, Jewell County, Kansas Schools and Chruches

The church and school privileges are good. The first school was taught here in 1873. The town now has an elegant and commodious school building, just completed at a cost of $3,500. There are three grades, and the departments are doing good work.

There are four religious denominations in Burr Oak – the Baptist, Methodist, Dunkards and Catholics. The last was organized in 1881 by Rev. J. Perrier, of Concordia. There are fifteen families in the perish and they have an $800 church edifice.

The Baptist Church was organized in September, 1879, by Rev. Mr. Howard. The society has just purchased the old schoolhouse and is remodeling it for its accommodation. The society has about twenty-five Members. H. D. Babcock was the first pastor, succeeded by Rev. S. Shutz, the present incumbent.

The Methodists were organized in 1873, with fifteen members, Rev. H. G. Breed being their first pastor. The membership is now about 110. The pastors in order have been Revs. H. G. Breed, C. G. Chrysler, E. Puckett, G. H. Woodward, H. G. Breed, and D. D. Campbell. In 1880 they erected a very neat and commodious edifice at a cost of over $2,300. Under Rev. Mr. Breed, in the winter of 1880-81, there was a revival, which secured forty members to the church.

The Dunkards, or German Baptists, were organizers in October 1870, by Rev. Allen Ives. Burr Oak, Limestone, and White Rock are included in the same organization. Their membership is over 350. They have a tent, 50×90 feet, in which they hold their meetings. Their pastors have been Revs. Allen Ives, Jacob Amsberger, P. B. Porter, H. E. Faidley, A. W. Austin, Eli Renner, and J. W. Switzer. Their meetings are held in the spring, summer, and autumn.


Source: Jewell County, Cutlers History of Kansas, 1883

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