Bibliography for the Spanish Explorations

The principal authorities on the Spanish explorations of Kansas are:

  1. George Parker Winship, in The 14th Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology, 1896.
  2. Hubert Howe Bancroft in the History of Arizona and New Mexico, 1889.
  3. Spanish Explorations in the Southern United States, edited by Frederick W. Hodge, 1907.
  4. Spanish Explorations in the Southwest, edited by Herbert Eugene Bolton, 1916.
  5. “The True Route of Coronado’s March,” by F. S. Dellenbaugh, in Bulletin of American Geographical Society, Vol. XXIX, No. 4, 1897.
  6. The works of A. F. Bandelier. Among these, see Historical Introduction to Studies Among the Sedentary Indians of New Mexico. Also Contributions to the History of the Southwestern Portion of the United States.
  7. Journal of a Military Reconnoissance from Santa Fe, etc. Senate Executive Document 64, 31st Congress, 1st Session. Also Coronado’s March in Search of the “Seven Cities” of Cibola, Smithsonian Report for 1869. By James Hervey Simpson.
  8. Important articles have been published in the Kansas Historical Collections.
  9. John Madden had, in Volume VII, “Wardens of the Marches,” an extensive and intelligent discussion of the route of Coronado and the land of Quivira.
  10. In Volume XII is “A Study of the Route of Coronado between the Rio Grande and the Missouri Rivers” by James Newton Basket, of Mexico, Mo.
  11. In Volume X is “The White Man’s Foot in Kansas” by John B. Dunbar, of Bloomfield, New Jersey.
  12. In Volume VIII is “Early Spanish Explorations and Indian Implements in Kansas” by W. E. Richey, of Harveyville, Kansas. A picture of the famous “Coronado Sword,” and an account of where it was found, and how it came into Mr. Richey’s possession, are a part of the paper, The sword is now the property of the Kansas State Historical Society. It was found in the year 1886, on the head waters of Pawnee Creek, near the north line of Finney County, Kansas, nearly due north of the town of Ingalls. It evidently belonged to Gallego, one of the [p.27] principal men of the Coronado expedition, for it bears his name graven in the metal. On it are these inscriptions: No Me Enbaines Sin Honor.
  13. In the Agora, a magazine published in Kansas and running through the years 1891 to 1896, there is a translation of Voyages, Relations Et Memoires Originaux Pour Servir a L’historic de la Decouverte De L’Amerique, Publies Pour La Premiere fois en Francais Par H. Ternaux—Compans. This translation was made by Eugene F. Ware, and the first chapters were published in 1895.
  14. In A History of Missouri, by Louis Houck, three volumes, 1908, there is a good discussion of Coronado’s route. Some parts of the subject are there better treated than in any other work examined.

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