Dickinson County Kansas Historical Newspapers

Dickinson County was organized, 1859; named for Daniel S. Dickinson, United States senator from New York; county seat, Abilene; area, 851 square miles 544,640 acres; population (1915), 25,339; assessed valuation (1915), $46,182,593; resources and industries agriculture, stock raising brick and pottery clay, and mineral springs.

The Western News was the first newspaper published in Dickinson county, Andreas’ statement to the contrary notwithstanding. ((Andreas, A. T., History of the State of Kansas (Chicago, 1883), p. 687, wrote that the Chronicle* published at Abilene was first in the county.))

The Society has a photostatic copy of Volume one, number two, dated January 28, 1870. In several advertisements of this issue appeared the date “Jan. 20-tf.” Since the paper was published every Friday, as listed in the masthead of the second issue, the first number should have made its appearance January 21, 1870, although the date on the advertisements would place it on the 20th. The First Biennial Report stated that The Western News and the Abilene Chronicle both made their appearance in February, 1870. ((The Biennial Report of the State Board of Agriculture to the Legislature of the State of Kansas, for the Year 1877-8 (Topeka, 1878), p. 180.))

The Society has volume one, number two, of the Chronicle, dated March 3, 1870. If regularly issued this would place the first number on February 24, 1870, which is also the date given by Wilder. ((Wilder D. W., The Annals of Kansas (1886), p. 516.))

It follows, therefore, that The Western News was established about a month earlier than the Abilene Chronicle. In addition to the photostatic copy of The Western News, the Society also has the issues of February 11 and July 5, 1870.

The News was started by A. W. Robinson during the last county-seat fight in Dickinson county. The paper was full of the contest. Among the remarks noticed in the issues were the following: “COUNTY SEAT or BUST,” “ABILENE is DEAD, will be BURIED next TUESDAY NIGHT.” Shortly after the election, however, it was the News that gave up the ghost.

Abilene Kansas Newspapers

ABILENE Population (1915), 4267; elevation, 1148 feet; named for the ancient tetrarchy of Abilene mentioned in Luke 3:1; industries wagon factory, flour and planing mills, foundries, organ factory, medicinal mineral springs and bottling works; has electric lights, telephones, municipal water system, public library; is on the Santa Fe the Rock Island and the Union Pacific railways.

Abilene is the county seat for Dickinson County, and by the early 1880s it had shed its rough cow-town image of the late 1860s to become a thriving commercial center with a rapidly growing population. By 1884 the town boasted a new public water system, an opera house seating nearly 1,000 persons, a telephone exchange, several banks, and three newspapers.


Independent; P. W. Heath, editor and publisher, Abilene.

The weekly Chronicle was founded in 1870 by V. P. Wilson, and with him as sole editor and proprietor. Mr. Wilson was the prime mover in organizing the Buckeye Colony, and was chiefly instrumental in getting it to locate in Dickinson County. He continued to run the Chronicle until May, 1873, when he sold it to Henry & Lebold, at which time J. W. Hart became editor.  The Chronicle consolidated in 1873 with the Journal, founded same year by W. H. Johnson, under name Chronicle-Journal; name later changed to Dickinson County Chronicle, and still later to Abilene Chronicle. Subsequent to 1873, Henry & Lebold sold the paper to the Dickinson county Publishing Association, Mr. Hart still retaining the editorship.

Chapman Star, founded in 1884 by M. H. Curts; moved to Abilene 1886, and name changed to Abilene Republican. It consolidated Dec., 1886, with the Chronicle, and changed it’s name to Abilene Journal, J. H. Lucas and M. H. Curts, editors and publishers. Some time later the paper was sold to Hart & Simpson, after which Simpson disposed of his interest to Hart, who, in 1886, was the sole editor and proprietor. In 1886 it had a circulation of about 1,000. The Journal began its career with a new volume and number, but in Feb., 1887, the publication took the old name Chronicle, using its numbering. The daily edition of the Chronicle was founded in 1896 by George Burroughs.

Dickinson County News

Democratic; J. W. Howe, editor, E. L. Van Trees, secretary and manager, News Publishing Company, publisher, Abilene.

  • Weekly. Nov. 22, 1888 + 27 vols.

Founded 1888 by brothers Berzelius L. Strother and Sidonia K. Strother; consolidated 1913 with the Abilene Democrat; early history unknown, first issue in Society’s file being Dec. 30, 1898.


Established December, 1874, by V. P. Wilson & Sons, who became sole editors and proprietors. [1]December, 1874 date given by Andreas controverts the The paper was printed on a steam power Potter press. It was issued on Thursday of each week, four pages, nine columns, was Republican in politics, and had a circulation of about 1,800 in 1883.

Implement Hardware Bulletin

Trade; H. J. Hodge, editor and publisher; official organ of the Western Retail Implement, Vehicle and Hardware Association, and National Federation of Implement and Vehicle Dealers’ Association, Abilene.

  • Monthly. Jan., 1899 + 17 vols. Founded 1895 as the Implement Dealers’ Bulletin; name changed 1915 to the Implement

Hardware Bulletin

J. W. Howe, editor, E. L. Van Trees, secretary and manager, News Publishing Company, publisher, Abilene.

Kansas State Sunday School Journal

Religious; J. H. Engle, editor and publisher, Abilene.

  • Monthly. July, 1892 + 24 vols.

Founded at Hutchinson as a quarterly, in July, 1892, by J. F. Drake; moved to Topeka with the Oct., 1892, issue; moved to Abilene Oct., 1896, with J. H. Engle as editor; returned to Topeka June, 1898; moved back to Abilene June, 1901, where it has since been published.


Founded in 1890 by D. G. Smith, as the official organ of the Farmers’ Alliance, the Alliance Monitor operated until it was sold in January 1892 to the firm of Anderson & Phillips. For the next two years, the rag would be published as the Abilene Monitor by various publishers, until Sept 1893 when it was again sold to the Monitor Publishing Co., where it was combined with the Herald and became known as the Abilene Monitor-Herald. It was a populist newspaper.

Alliance Monitor

  • Weekly. July 31 1890 – Jan. 8, 1892, Vol. 1, no. 1 – v. 2, no. 24.

Abilene Monitor

  • Weekly. Jan. 14, 1892 – Sept. 21, 1893, Vol. 2, no. 25 – v. 4, no. 9.

Abilene Monitor-Herald

  • Weekly. Sept. 28, 1893 – Aug. 23, 1894, Vol. 4, no. 10- v. 5, no. 5


  • The Abilene Reflector
    The Reflector, which is edited and published by C. M. Harger, was established in Abilene in 1883. In May, 1887, a daily edition was added, which has had a continuous and successful existence since. The weekly Reflector was an eight-page, seven-column paper, all home print, and the daily, published every evening except Sunday, was a four-page, six-column sheet with afternoon dispatches. This page provides a brief history of the paper along with access to the various online sources where you can find digital copies of the paper.

Discontinued Abilene Kansas Newspapers by 1916

  • Democrat (1st). Jan. 1, 1880-1882, 2 years.
  • Democrat (2d). Dec. 30, 1898-1913, 14 years.
  • Dispatch. Dec. 14, 1893-1895, 1 year.
  • Evangelical Visitor (s-m). Jan. 1, 1893-1902, 10 years.
  • Gazette. Abilene and Enterprise. May 3, 1878 – 1894, 11 years. [2]Apr., 1889, to June, 1894, not published.
  • Gazette (d). May 6, 1885-1888, 8 years
  • Gospel Message (m). Aug. 15, 1894 – 1895, 1 year.
  • Herald. Dec. 16, 1892-1893, 2 years.
  • Home Rule. May 16, 1907-1908, 2 years.
  • Kansas Gazette. Enterprise and Abilene. Apr. 27, 1876-1878, 2 years.
  • School and Home (m). Nov., 1893 – 1898, 4 years.
  • Banner City Register. Apr. 1, 1887 – 1888, 2 years.

Carlton Kansas Newspapers

Advocate. June 17, 1886-1888 . 2

Tribune. Sept. 11, 1907-1914 7

Chapman Kansas Newspapers

CHAPMAN Population (1915), 746; elevation, 1113 feet; industries flour mill, machine shop; has telephones; is on the Union Pacific railway.


Independent; Mrs. T. H. Sheeran, editor and owner. Chapman.

  • Weekly. Feb. 29, 1901 + 15 vols.

This paper is a continuation of the following: Chapman Courier, founded 1887 by H. C. Boles; name changed in 1891 to Chapman Howitzer, with M. H. Curts, editor and publisher: in 1892 name again changed to Chapman Standard, J. E. Martin and Fred A. Freeland, editors and publishers; in 1901 name changed to Chapman Advertiser; Chapman News, founded 1899 by J. P. McMillan: consolidated 1901 with Standard. Chapman Lookout, founded 1903 by McMillan & Gillis; absorbed in 1907 by the Advertiser.

Enterprise Kansas Newspapers

ENTERPRISE- Population (1915), 778; elevation, 1144 feet; established, 1872: industries flour mills, foundries, machine shops; has telephones, waterworks; is on the Santa Fe. the Union Pacific and the Rock Island railways.

Push and Journal

Independent; Roy A. Hoisington, editor and publisher, Enterprise.

  • Weekly. Dec. 14, 1905 + 10 vols.

This paper is a continuation of the Enterprise Push, founded 1905 by I. K. Fretz. Enter-prise-Independent, founded 1888 by McK. DeMotte; succeeded in 1890 by the Enterprise-Journal with J. C. Gault as editor; consolidated 1905 with Push.


Independent Republican; J. H. Brady, editor, Enterprise.

Established in March, 1882, by the Enterprise Publishing Company, with J. D. James, as editor, who continued to edit the paper until June, 1882, when he was succeeded by J. H. Brady. The paper was a weekly, four pages, eight columns, Independent Republican in politics, and its circulation was 900 in 1883.

The Western News

The Western News, Detroit, January 20 or 21, 1870.

The News was started by A. W. Robinson during the last county-seat fight in Dickinson county. The paper was full of the contest. Among the remarks noticed in the issues were the following: “COUNTY SEAT or BUST,” “ABILENE is DEAD, will be BURIED next TUESDAY NIGHT.” Shortly after the election, however, it was the News that gave up the ghost.

Herrington Kansas Newspapers

HERINGTON Population (1915), 4255; elevation, 1333 feet; established, 1884; named for its founder, M. D. Herington; has electric lights, waterworks, telephones; is on the Rock Island and Missouri Pacific railways.


Republican; Ralph R. Lee and William J. Scott, editors and publishers, Herington.

  • Weekly. June 1, 1903 + 13 vols.

Founded 1903 by C. M. Rose.


Republican; H. L. Harris and Perl R. Barton, editors and publishers, Herington.

  • Weekly. July 25, 1889 + 26 vols.

Founded 1889 by A. M. Craig.

Hope Kansas Newspapers

HOPE Population (1915), 570; elevation, 1377 feet; established, 1871; industries roller mills, gypsum and plaster works; has electric lights, telephones; is on the Santa Fe and the Missouri Pacific railways.


Republican; M. C. Hemenway, editor and publisher, Hope.

  • Weekly. Jan. 2, 1896 + 20 vols.

Founded 1886 by A. M. Crary; consolidated Jan. 21, 1892, with the Hope Herald, which was founded in 1884 by Wray & Clark; called Hope Dispatch-Herald until Mar. 10 following, when name was changed to Hope Dispatch. Western News, founded 1895 by Burton & Ross; consolidated with the Dispatch in 1896.

Manchester Kansas Newspapers

MANCHESTER Population (1915), 288; established, 1887; formerly called Keystone; name changed to Manchester between 1888 and 1890; has telephones; is on the Santa Fe railway.


Independent; W. C. Roughton, editor and publisher, Mable E. Roughton, local editor.

  • Weekly. Mar. 31, 1910 + 6 vols.

Founded 1910 by Frank E. Pattee.

Solomon Kansas Newspapers

SOLOMON Population (1915), 1110; elevation, 1171 feet; established in 1866; named for the Solomon river, on which it is situated; industries salt and plaster works, flour and feed mills, elevators; has telephones; is on the Santa Fe, the Rock Island and the Union Pacific railways.


Is published at Solomon City, and was established July, 1879, by J. Claude Hill, and with him as sole editor and proprietor, which he still continues to be. It is a weekly, four gapes, eight columns, Independent in politics, and has a circulation of 700.


Republican; C. W. Hamilton, editor and publisher, Solomon.

  • Weekly. Dec. 4, 1896 + 19 vols.

Founded 1896 by Dan Campbell, Jr.; consolidated 1899 with the Solomon Sentinel, founded 1879 by J. Claude Hill.

Woodbine Kansas Newspapers

WOODBINE Population (1915), 302; established about 1882; has telephones; is on the Rock Island railway.


Independent; McAfee Sons, editors and publishers, Woodbine.

  • Weekly. Mar. 12. 1914 + 2 vols.

Founded 1914 by J. S. Blagrave and J. S. Hall.


1December, 1874 date given by Andreas controverts the
2Apr., 1889, to June, 1894, not published.

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